Low-fat, Carnivore, Vegetarian, Keto, Paleo, shakes, supplements, Intermittent Fasting….. the list goes on. What is the best diet for weight loss?
Answer: The one that you can be consistent with.
Definition of success is not just losing the weight but keeping it off. THAT’s the bar we need to reach for. You need to define an eating plan that works for you, taking into consideration your likes and dislikes to find a way of eating that is sustainable for you. Here’s where we are going to start:
Make a list of all your previous attempts at weight loss. For each one answer these 3 questions.
Taking these answers into consideration you can start to define what YOUR diet plan needs to have and not have.
What are the things in life that you enjoy? Is it dinner dates with your spouse? Night out with friends? Celebrating with family? We connect with those we love over food. Personally, I can’t imagine a life without chocolate and cake, so MY diet plan will include chocolate and cake. Along with dinner dates with my husband and celebrating life with those I care about the most. I realized that celebrating these moments doesn’t have to equal punishing my body with food. I had to define: What is the least amount needed to live a happy life? FYI, the answer today can be different from your answer in 5 years from now but whatever you choose has to be something you can live with for the rest of your life.
Based off the above answers is how you determine what diet plan is right for you. Start with what you are drawn to, whatever it is there is likely something to that, but your diet has to fit into YOUR life, your life doesn’t have to fit into the diet. You will then find challenges in that diet plan that you will need to question against what you know to be true about what aligns with you and what you need for it be sustainable.
Expect failures. Expect challenges. Meet each one starting with what is true about you and how you can adjust or modify it to fit you. Keep refining and changing each step of the way until you find a way of eating that fits your life, and helps you reach your goals.
Food is not just to nourish your body, don’t try to convince yourself that is it’s only purpose, we find comfort and connection in it as well. Those are the parts we need to define and plan for when we are defining what our needed amount is for a happy life. The #1 predictor of success is eating in a way that is sustainable and supports the whole you.
What does your diet look like?
Need help? Feel free to comment below or email me at coachamylewis@gmail.com and I’d be happy to share some ideas if you get stuck.