Having a clearly defined reason for why you want to lose weight can be a powerful driving force. As humans, we are far more motivated if we intrinsically have a desire for something versus someone else telling us to do something. It’s one thing to have a healthcare provider tell you to lose weight but you are far more likely to be successful if your desire comes from a place deep within you that truly wants something different.
If you possess that deep desire for change it can be even more powerful to define that for yourself. Here’s a great exercise to get you started.
#1 Start with measurable goal. (Example: Lose weight.)
#2 Why do you want that? (Ex: to be healthier and feel better)
#3 What does that mean to you? (Ex: be in a healthy weight range, not feel tired all the time, to be able to move without pain, not have stomach issues, feel more confident,….)
#4 Why is that important to you? (I saw a family member when I was growing up who was morbidly obese, struggled to get around was on a ton of medications, their quality of life was not one what I would want)
#5 Reword it for yourself. “I want to do what I can to preserve my health, mobility and quality of life as I age.”
These are the things that increase the likelihood of you being successful. By themselves they don’t make it happen, it’s maybe 2% of the reason people are successful. Think about it this way though, you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be good enough to make it work. C- students still graduate, you don’t need A’s. We want A’s, but you don’t need them. The most successful people value the small wins, they take the 2% improvement here, the 5% improvement there and keep layering them on, building upon them. Remember this isn’t an area in life that we excel in, we have to purposefully keep doing all the reasonable things to keep building and growing until eventually we get a good enough grade to pass the class.
Find your why, write it down, memorize it. When you hit a roadblock on your journey and you are frustrated and for that split second wonder if it’s all worth it. Say your why to yourself, then tell yourself you have a 2 options, you can quit, no one is forcing you to do anything. If you quit, you know what will happen. OR, you give yourself some grace and be kind to yourself for all the work you are putting in, and you keep going. I said this to myself countless times, but my why and deep intrinsic desire kept me always choosing to keep going.
I’m never going to tell you this is easy, LIFE isn’t easy, but you get to choose your version of hard. Keep improving, keep working but most of all be kind to yourself.